BlackRock Appraisals

Looking for the fair market or forced liquidation value of your machine tools and industrial equipment? Need an orderly liquidation value? BlackRock Appraisals is the gold standard.

Our certified appraisers offer rapid, personalized service nationwide and even internationally. BlackRock’s specialties include:

  • Fair market, new replacement, orderly liquidation and forced liquidation values.
  • Single machines, entire plants, production lines.
  • Banking, financing and insurance.
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Expansion evaluations.
  • Partnership buyouts.
  • Divestitures of surplus equipment.
  • Estate planning and settlement.

Our appraisals are accurate, confidential and timely and all meet USPAP and AMEA standards.


  • BlackRock Brochure
  • Sample BlackRock appraisal

Fill out the form below to discover how we can help you. Or give us a call at 1-855-474-1457.

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